Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • RECOMB'18: Y. Ponty, M. Regnier (co-chair)

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • RECOMB'17: Y. Ponty, M. Regnier

  • ISMB/ECCB'17: Y. Ponty

  • ACM/BCB'17: A. Héliou

  • MCCMB'17: M. Régnier

  • BiCoB'17: Y. Ponty

  • CPM'17: Y. Ponty


Member of the Editorial Boards

M. Régnier is an editor of PeerJ Computer Science.

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

M. Régnier and Y. Ponty reviewed manuscripts for a large selection of journals in Mathematics, Computer Science and Bioinformatics: Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Theoretical Computer Science, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Journal of Mathematical Biology, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, Algorithms for Molecular Biology, PLOS One, Journal of Theoretical Biology, RNA, Nucleic Acids Research...

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Y. Ponty is animateur of the Macromolecular structure and interactions axis of the CNRS GDR BIM (BioInformatique Moléculaire). With F. Cazals (ABS, Inria Sophia-Antipolis), he co-created in Oct. 2017 and currently heads the MASIM (Méthodes Algorithmiques pour les Structures et Interactions des Macromolécules) workgroup of BIM;

  • M. Régnier is a member of Digiteo progam Committee and SDV working group in Saclay area.

Scientific Expertise

  • Y. Ponty reviewed grants for the OPUS program of the NCN agency (Poland), the Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology programm of the DFG (Germany). He acted as an external reviewer and external assessor for an assistant professor position at the Faculty of Science of the University of South Denmark. He also refereed for a postdoc call by the French Charmmmat LabEx of Univ. Paris-Saclay.

Research Administration

  • M. Regnier is the current head of the Computer Science department (LIX) of Ecole Polytechnique.